On Thu, 23 Feb 2006 00:07:43 +0530, "N. Raghavendra" <raghu@mri.ernet.in> said:
I hope this is not OT. I am trying to learn to use CFFI. Following the CFFI manual, I wrote the following functions, which call some basic C time functions. According to gmtime(3), the function `gmtoff' below should always return 0. However, I consistently get
TIMEZONE-FFI> (gmtoff) 672421260
I would appreciate any hints as to where I am erring. In case it is relevant, the environment is CMUCL 19c on FreeBSD 6.0-STABLE.
TIA, Raghavendra.
--- code follows ---
(defpackage #:timezone-ffi (:use #:common-lisp #:cffi))
(in-package #:timezone-ffi)
(defcstruct tm (sec :int) (min :int) (hour :int) (mday :int) (mon :int) (year :int) (wday :int) (yday :int) (isdst :boolean) (zone :string) (gmtoff :long))
I think you have zone and gmtoff in the wrong order (the man pages don't specify the order, so check the header files). __Martin