Hello, On 12/18/06, Jack Unrue <jdunrue@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, CFFI folks. What are the implications of declaring two foreign functions, each foreign name being the same but which are implemented in two separate DLLs?
I've added this to the TODO list. I've also thought a little about how to support this best, API-wise. Besides the obvious :LIBRARY (or some other name) to DEFCFUN and friends it'd be nice if CFFI could infer the "current library" somehow. An IN-FOREIGN-LIBRARY macro for instance, though that might break when doing incremental development with SLIME for instance. DEFINE-FOREIGN-LIBRARY could record the library name's symbol-package and then DEFCFUN could look at *PACKAGE* to figure out which DLL to use. That might be a silly idea. This kind of mechanism (either this last one, or an IN-FOREIGN-LIBRARY, or something else) would also be useful for library-wide settings such as stdcall vs. cdecl. That's actually the context in which I had thought about this. I'm sure this kind of problem has been dealt with before in other libraries (IIRC, five-am has an IN-SUITE macro). Any ideas? -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/ P.S. -- Sorry Jack, for the duplicate message.