Luís Oliveira <luismbo@gmail.com> writes:
Surendra Singhi <efuzzyone@netscape.net> writes:
If I have a C function which allocates memory for a C string and returns a pointer to this memory (return type char *).
Should the return type of this function be :string or :pointer?
Either :pointer or :string+ptr. The :string+ptr type will return a list with two values: a lisp string and a pointer to the C string.
How do I deallocate this memory? Should I use `foreign-string-free' or `foreign-free'.
I have been meaning to look into this. Right now, you'd have to use something like (foreign-funcall "free" :pointer <your-pointer>)
Is there any way this deallocation can be made automatic?
Not that I know of. However, I suspect that, in your case, something like this would suffice:
(defcfun your-foreign-function :pointer ...)
(defun your-wrapper-around-the-foreign-function (...) (let ((ptr (your-foreign-function ...))) (unwind-protect (foreign-string-to-lisp ptr) (foreign-funcall "free" :pointer ptr))))
Or you could define a new type to do this:
(defctype my-string :pointer)
(define-type-translator my-string :from-c (value) "Converts a foreign string to lisp, and frees it." (once-only (value) `(unwind-protect (foreign-string-to-lisp ,value) (foreign-funcall "free" :pointer ptr))))
(defcfun your-foreign-function my-string ...)
Thanks. -- Surendra Singhi http://www.public.asu.edu/~sksinghi/index.html ,---- | "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." | -- Orwell, Animal Farm, 1945 `----