I am receiving reports of nasty intermittent crashes when lispbuilder-sdl is run within a 32-bit Lisp (SBCL & CCL) on a 64-bit OS (Windows 7 and OSX). A 32- bit Lisp is used because the SDL library is 32-bit. No problems are reported using Lispworks/32-bit in Windows 7. The errors reports state that the Lisp debugger is invoked on the CFFI call to "SDL_PollEvent" (stack trace below). This is intermittent in that it might happen almost immediately, or after several thousand times through the event loop. SDL_PollEvent takes an SDL_Event struct as a parameter. SDL_Event looks like this; (cffi:defcunion SDL-Event (type :unsigned-char) (active SDL-Active-Event) (key SDL-Keyboard-Event) (motion SDL-Mouse-Motion-Event) (button SDL-Mouse-Button-Event) (jaxis SDL-Joy-Axis-Event) (jball SDL-Joy-Ball-Event) (jhat SDL-Joy-Hat-Event) (jbutton SDL-Joy-Button-Event) (resize SDL-Resize-Event) (expose SDL-Expose-Event) (quit SDL-Quit-Event) (user SDL-User-Event) (syswm SDL-Sys-WM-Event)) A few of the SDL_Events structs include pointers... (cffi:defcstruct SDL-User-Event (type :unsigned-char) (code :int) (data1 :pointer) (data2 :pointer)) (cffi:defcstruct SDL-Sys-WM-Event (type :unsigned-char) (msg :pointer)) If :pointer is created as a 64-bit pointer instead of 32-bit then I can foresee a problem as SDL_Event created by CFFI is larger than expected by SDL_PollEvent. So my question is, on SBCL/32-bit & CCL/32-bit, what is the expected size of :pointer on a 64-bit OS? Stack trace for SBCL/32-bit below; debugger invoked on a SIMPLE-ERROR: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL. restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name): 0: [CONTINUE] Ignore runtime option --load "load.lisp". 1: [ABORT ] Skip rest of --eval and --load options. 2: Skip to toplevel READ/EVAL/PRINT loop. 3: [QUIT ] Quit SBCL (calling #'QUIT, killing the process). ("bogus stack frame") 0] ba 0: ("bogus stack frame") 1: ("foreign function: #x757A8112") 2: ("foreign function: #x68132D60") 3: ("foreign function: #x68106812") 4: ("foreign function: #x6810684B") 5: (LISPBUILDER-SDL-CFFI::SDL-POLL-EVENT #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X02106EC0)) - Luke