19 Dec
19 Dec
6:37 a.m.
Hello, If I have a C function which allocates memory for a C string and returns a pointer to this memory (return type char *). Should the return type of this function be :string or :pointer? How do I deallocate this memory? Should I use `foreign-string-free' or `foreign-free'. Is there any way this deallocation can be made automatic? Say, something similar to clisp's `:malloc-free', or should I copy this foreign string as a lisp string and then free the foreign string. Thanks. -- Surendra Singhi http://www.public.asu.edu/~sksinghi/index.html ,---- | WHY SHOULD WE SAVE TIGER? | Ans: Saving the tiger means saving mankind.. | | Help http://pudang.tripod.com/ | or https://secure.worldwildlife.org/forms/tiger_appeal_1.cfm `----