On 10/12/06, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <jjgarcia@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
Why does a change prefixed by #+ecl / #-ecl affect other implementations?
Sorry, I wasn't clear. The particular change that breaks Lispworks is this one: - (let ((rtest::*compile-tests* compiled) + (let ((rt::*compile-tests* compiled)
Also you are forcing people to install a version of RT which is basically the one with ECL, though ours output more useful information, such as the message of a condition when the output is one.
Good point. James, do you remember why we've resisted to use other versions of RT so far? :-)
Anyway, when I find time I will finish the support for statically compiled callbacks.
Cool, thanks! -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/