On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 17:19 +0100, Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:
As an afterthought, it appears the low-level API would better not rely on SETF, and e.g. define %MEM-SET for writing. All these define-setf-expanders just to avoid piling up LET-rebindings to ensure correct order of evaluation yet still be able to optimize are not enjoyable. E.g. (setf MEM-REF) is still not optimized away in CLISP. I presume it does with cmucl, because cffi-cmucl has a suitable setf-expander. Some day I'll write the same for CLISP.
You're right---the interface sort of evolved from an early implementation without compiler macros and I never realized that I wasn't gaining anything by continuing to use SETF (since this is an internal interface after all). Here's a patch that does this---I've tested it on SBCL and CMUCL, would anyone else like to give it a spin before merging? James