James Bielman <jamesjb <at> jamesjb.com> writes:
Lars Rune Nøstdal <larsnostdal <at> gmail.com> writes:
I've been using this lately:
(defvar *lambda-callbacks* nil "TODO: Clean up later somehow?")
(defmacro lambda-callback (return-type args &body body) (let ((name (read-from-string (symbol-name (gensym))))) `(progn (defcallback ,name ,return-type ,args , <at> body) (push ',name *lambda-callbacks*) (callback ,name))))
..maybe something like this could be included in cffi? :)
Using CFFI's DEFCALLBACK in any non-toplevel context is probably a recipe for disaster on at least some of the Lisps we support, so I don't think this can work as a portable solution. (I don't understand the purpose of *LAMBDA-CALLBACKS* or the READ-FROM-STRING business either...)
Hm, you're right, the read-from-string stuff doesn't seem to be needed (can't remember what I was thinking). Anyway, I guess this will have to wait until someone finds a workaround that works for all, or all (or maybe most of?) the Lisps support non-toplevel callbacks. :) -- Lars Rune Nøstdal http://lars.nostdal.org/