"Luís Oliveira" <luismbo@gmail.com> writes:
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 1:06 AM, John Fremlin <jf@msi.co.jp> wrote:
However, there is no guarantee that between calling your function and getting the errno, the Lisp environment will not call a C function that resets errno.
I guess this is more of a problem in Lisps with userspace threads. Are there other situations? (Signal handlers shouldn't mess with errno... Maybe GC hooks?) Any idea how Allegro implements this?
I'm not sure. I asked them and Duane said that wrapping with without-interrupts might be okay (defmacro with-errno (&body body) `( ,(progn 'progn #+allegro 'excl:without-interrupts) (locally ,@body) (get-errno))) I asked about whether this might not work in the event of GC and got no answer.
In SBCL there is a native get-errno function to get the errno.
Is there any plan to add a semi-portable wrapper to this functionality for CFFI?
Adding a CFFI-SYS:GET-ERRNO function sounds like a good idea. I don't understand the other bit well enough yet to have an opinion.
It'd be great to be able to use the def-foreign-call Allegro functionality. ClozureCL has something slightly similar called int-errno-call (defmacro int-errno-call (form) (let* ((value (gensym))) `(let* ((,value ,form)) (if (< ,value 0) (%get-errno) ,value))))
If not, would you accept a patch for it? I guess the obvious way is to modify (cffi:defcfun ...) to take a :after-collect-value argument, so that it could work not only for errno
Indeed, it'd be useful for GetLastError() as well, etc.