On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 2:31 AM, John Fremlin <jf@msi.co.jp> wrote:
Ideally there would be a way to use the def-foreign-call errno collection in Allegro CL via CFFI.
For example, if the foreign-function is trace'd then the without-interrupts mechanism (sporadically) fails.
Although it is simple to make a cffi-sys:errno symbol-macro, I think that logically the errno is only valid immediately after a foreign-function call.
I'm just trying to follow the usual CFFI philosophy: figure out the minimal CFFI-SYS operations required and implement the rest in the CFFI package. So far that'd be something like: GET-ERRNO, SET-ERRNO and WITHOUT-WHATEVER in CFFI-SYS, and an ERRNO symbol macro in CFFI (optional) and something along the lines of Osicat's ERRNO-WRAPPER. I wonder if you can find out what hoops Allegro has to jump through to ensure errno is right?
The idea that GC must not modify errno must be false on at least a few implementations ;-)
Sounds like we could test that in the test suite.
We should not pretend that it is possible to get errno at an arbitrary point after a foreign function call.
Yeah, but I still haven't fully understood the exact failure cases. Also, it sounds like this sort of thing would be problematic for all sorts of stateful C APIs. -- Luís Oliveira http://student.dei.uc.pt/~lmoliv/