27 May
27 May
10:30 a.m.
27 мая 2010 г. 14:29 пользователь Кальянов Дмитрий <kalyanov.dmitry@gmail.com> написал:
2010/5/27 Luke Crook <luke@balooga.com>:
I am receiving reports of nasty intermittent crashes when lispbuilder-sdl is run within a 32-bit Lisp (SBCL & CCL) on a 64-bit OS (Windows 7 and OSX). A 32- bit Lisp is used because the SDL library is 32-bit. No problems are reported using Lispworks/32-bit in Windows 7.
As for CCL, its 32-bit version might work badly on 64-bit version of Windows because CCL uses undocumented parts of NT API which behave differently in 64-bit version. E.g., they store pointer to TLS data in ES segment register but Wow64 subsystem does not preserve its value.
SBCL itself is unstable on Windows.