26 Jan
26 Jan
10:14 p.m.
Hey all! I can't seem to figure out why my translate-from-foreign method is not getting called: (defconstant +PIB-OK+ 0) (defctype tPIBAMQPrc :int) (defctype tsPIBAMQPContextPtr :pointer) (defmethod translate-from-foreign (value (type (eql 'tPIBAMQPrc))) (if (not (= value +PIB-OK+)) (error "*** PIB AMQP error: ~d." value)) value) Having a foreign function like (defcfun ("nPIBAMQPConnect" %mq-connect) tPIBAMQPrc (mq-context-ptr tsPIBAMQPContextPtr)) return values of > 0 does not trigger the above-mentioned method ... I haven't looked into CFFI internals yet. TIA ! Regards Frank