Looks like you're sending it a list of symbols 'read-func etc. '(read-func seek-func (null-pointer) tell-func) is a list of two symbols, a list, then another symbol. It needs to be a plist (property list) with alternating slot names and values (list 'read-func read-func 'seek-func seek-func...) (At the moment I can't remember if the slot names are in the keyword package or not, so you might need :read-func instead of 'read-func etc.) Liam On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 7:28 PM, Marshall Mason <marshallmason2@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, I'm using SBCL version 1.2.4, CFFI version 0.14.0, and libffi version 3.1. I've been trying to pass a struct by value using CFFI and libffi. I'm a newbie to both CFFI and Lisp so I had to piece this together from the manual as well as some of the unit tests that come with CFFI. I'm getting an error that I just can't get past:
The library I'm trying to wrap is libvorbisfile, which decodes Ogg Vorbis files. It has an init function called ov_open_callbacks:
int ov_open_callbacks(void *datasource, OggVorbis_File *vf, const char *initial, long ibytes, ov_callbacks callbacks);
The part it's choking on is the last argument, a struct, passed by value, of callback functions:
typedef struct { size_t (*read_func) (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *datasource); int (*seek_func) (void *datasource, ogg_int64_t offset, int whence); int (*close_func) (void *datasource); long (*tell_func) (void *datasource); } ov_callbacks;
The library is designed to use one of a few static structs defined in a header file. Since it's defined in the header file and not in libvorbisfile.so, I must create CFFI translation code. There were a lot of other structs I had to wrap with CFFI as well. Here is my code:
Does anyone have any clues about what I'm doing wrong here?
(Regarding my previous email about getting CFFI working on Debian jessie, it turns out the Debian version of cl-alexandria is missing a file and cl-cffi is buggy, so I just added the missing file and installed the CFFI source by hand. Thanks for the response, Fau.)