Hi, I'm still plugging away on sqlite I've got a problem creating a binding for the following function int sqlite3_bind_text(sqlite3_stmt*, int, const char*, int n, void(*)(void*)); I tried the following.... (defcfun ("sqlite3_bind_text" %sqlite-bind-text) :int (stmt :pointer) (index :int) (value :string) (len :int) ;; not really an int but cffi takes care of this for us (destructor :int)) Everything is pretty straightforward apart from the last two parameters. Length is supposed to be the length of the value being passed in (or -1 if the value is null terminated). The destructor is supposed to be a function that frees the memory required by `value' after sqlite is finished with it. For destructor, you can use the special value 0 if the memory is in "unmanaged" space. So I have a few questions... 1. If you specify the type as :string, does cffi pass it through as a null terminated string? 2. Does cffi take care of freeing a string once the C library is finished with it or should I define a callback to use for the destructor. 3. With my current code, I'm not getting any memory errors but I am getting weird values in the database. For example.... With this binding, I don't get any memory errors but I do get nonsense values going into the database. Here's an example.... sqlite> select * from clinical_data; ˆ|Ñø·Ñø·IBUTE|ˆ|˜Â'ø|ˆ|˜Â'ø|Ñø·Ñø·IBUTE|| The values I'm passing in to get this are... 001, StudyEventOID, 1, FormOID, 1, PARTIAL, ALL ATTRIBUTE, ID.PD, 1959-12 Any ideas what's going on here? Cheers, Andy