29 Apr
29 Apr
8:57 a.m.
On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 8:50 AM, Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll <juanjose.garciaripoll@googlemail.com> wrote:
CFFI> (macroexpand-1 '(foreign-funcall "foo" :boolean)) (NOT (ZEROP (%FOREIGN-FUNCALL "foo" (:INT) ...)))
Or did you mean something else?
I mean reading and writing data into foreign types, not calling functions.
Ah, yes. That too. CFFI> (swank-backend:compiler-macroexpand '(mem-aref p :boolean 4)) (NOT (ZEROP (%MEM-REF P :INT 16))) CFFI> (swank-backend:compiler-macroexpand '(%MEM-REF P :INT 16)) (SB-SYS:SIGNED-SAP-REF-32 P 16) -- Luís Oliveira http://r42.eu/~luis/