8 Feb
8 Feb
10:54 p.m.
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 5:51 AM, Carlo Hamalainen <carlo.hamalainen@gmail.com> wrote:
; Attempt to malloc 100Mb of memory and say hello (with-foreign-pointer (data (* 100 1048576 (foreign-type-size :char))) (print "hello"))
WITH-FOREIGN-POINTER expands to WITH-ALIEN on SBCL, which performs stack allocation.
But when I run it using SBCL on Ubuntu 10.10 32bit, it complains about some value not being of type (MOD 536870909). Is this a deliberate limit on the part of CFFI or SBCL? If so where can I adjust this limit?
It's an SBCL limit (64 MB?). I don't know if you can adjust it but someone on sbcl-devel should know. I'm surprised it's that big, though. Shouldn't it be much smaller? -- Luís Oliveira http://r42.eu/~luis/