thanks for getting back to me so soon =) ....The definition of cv-arr is ;; CvArr (defctype cv-arr :pointer) never thought of defining that as (:pointer cv-arr) ,would that be a good thing to do? i tested it defined as (:pointer cv-arr) and it does work, but as it is defined now (just as cv-arr) it works on over 100 functions....any other aid to tracking down this possible bug i can give let me know.....im dedicated fully to helping cfffi be the best it can be=) On Monday, November 11, 2013 12:40 PM, Stephan Frank <defclass@googlemail.com> wrote: On 11.11.2013 19:28, Joeish W wrote:
;; CvMat* cvGetCols(const CvArr* arr, CvMat* submat, int start_col, int end_col) (defcfun ("cvGetCols" get-cols) (:pointer (:struct cv-mat)) "Returns array column span." (arr cv-arr) (submat (:pointer (:struct cv-mat))) (start-col :int) (end-col :int))
What is the definition of cv-arr? Is this really correct, or should it be (:pointer cv-arr) as is indicated by the C type in the comment.
Regs, Stephan