C:\lispbox\ccl>wx86cl.exe Welcome to Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.3 (WindowsX8632)! ? (load "init.lisp") #P"C:/lispbox/ccl/init.lisp" ? (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi) ; loading system definition from C:/lispbox/packages/cffi/cffi.asd into # ; registering # as CFFI ; loading system definition from C:/lispbox/packages/babel/babel.asd into # ; registering # as BABEL ; loading system definition from C:/lispbox/packages/alexandria/alexandria.asd into # ; registering # as ALEXANDRIA ; loading system definition from C:/lispbox/packages/trivial-features/trivial-features.asd into # ; registering # as TRIVIAL-FEATURES NIL ? (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi-tests) ; loading system definition from C:/lispbox/packages/cffi/cffi-tests.asd into # ; registering # as CFFI-TESTS ; loading system definition from C:/lispbox/packages/rt/rt.asd into # ; registering # as RT ;Compiler warnings for "C:/lispbox/packages/cffi/tests/funcall.lisp" : ; In (EXPAND-TO-FOREIGN (T CHECK-NIL-SKIP-TYPE)): Unused lexical variable VAL ; Warning: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing # on #. ; While executing: #, in process listener(1). NIL ? (asdf:oos 'asdf:test-op :cffi-tests) ;;; running tests (uncompiled) Doing 223 pending tests of 223 tests total. FUNCALL.CHAR FUNCALL.INT.1 FUNCALL.INT.2 FUNCALL.LONG FUNCALL.LONG-LONG FUNCALL.FLOAT FUNCALL.DOUBLE FUNCALL.STRING.1 FUNCALL.STRING.2 FUNCALL.STRING.3 FUNCALL.VARARGS.CHAR FUNCALL.VARARGS.INT FUNCALL.VARARGS.LONG Test FUNCALL.VARARGS.DOUBLE failed Form: (WITH-FOREIGN-POINTER-AS-STRING (S 100) (SETF (MEM-REF S :CHAR) 0) (FOREIGN-FUNCALL "sprintf" :POINTER S :STRING "%.2f" :DOUBLE (COERCE PI 'DOUBLE-FLOAT) :INT)) Expected value: "3.14" Actual value: "". FUNCALL.VARARGS.STRING FUNCALL.DOUBLE26 FUNCALL.FLOAT26 FUNCALL.F-S-P.1 Test FUNCALL.STDCALL.1 failed Form: (FLET ((FUN NIL (FOREIGN-FUNCALL ("stdcall_fun@12" :CCONV :STDCALL) :INT 1 :INT 2 :INT 3 :INT))) (LOOP REPEAT 100 DO (FUN) FINALLY (RETURN (FUN)))) Expected value: 6 Actual value: #. FUNCALL.NIL-SKIP DEFCFUN.CHAR DEFCFUN.DOCSTRING DEFCFUN.INT DEFCFUN.LONG DEFCFUN.LONG-LONG DEFCFUN.FLOAT DEFCFUN.DOUBLE DEFCFUN.STRING.1 DEFCFUN.STRING.2 DEFCFUN.STRING.3 DEFCFUN.NOARGS Test DEFCFUN.NOOP failed Form: (NOOP) Expected values: Actual value: NIL. DEFCFUN.VARARGS.DOCSTRINGS DEFCFUN.VARARGS.CHAR DEFCFUN.VARARGS.SHORT DEFCFUN.VARARGS.INT DEFCFUN.VARARGS.LONG Test DEFCFUN.VARARGS.FLOAT failed Form: (WITH-FOREIGN-POINTER-AS-STRING (S 100) (SPRINTF S "%.2f" :FLOAT (FLOAT PI))) Expected value: "3.14" Actual value: "". Test DEFCFUN.VARARGS.DOUBLE failed Form: (WITH-FOREIGN-POINTER-AS-STRING (S 100) (SPRINTF S "%.2f" :DOUBLE (FLOAT PI 1.0D0))) Expected value: "3.14" Actual value: " N". DEFCFUN.VARARGS.STRING DEFCFUN.BFF.1 DEFCFUN.BFF.2 DEFCFUN.UNDEFINED DEFCFUN.DOUBLE26 DEFCFUN.FLOAT26 Test DEFCFUN.STDCALL.1 failed Form: (LOOP REPEAT 100 DO (STDCALL-FUN 1 2 3) FINALLY (RETURN (STDCALL-FUN 1 2 3))) Expected value: 6 Actual value: #. CALLBACKS.CHAR CALLBACKS.UNSIGNED-CHAR CALLBACKS.SHORT CALLBACKS.UNSIGNED-SHORT CALLBACKS.INT CALLBACKS.UNSIGNED-INT CALLBACKS.LONG CALLBACKS.UNSIGNED-LONG CALLBACKS.LONG-LONG CALLBACKS.UNSIGNED-LONG-LONG CALLBACKS.FLOAT CALLBACKS.DOUBLE CALLBACKS.POINTER CALLBACKS.STRING CALLBACKS.STRING-NOT-DOCSTRING%eax = 0xffffffff %ecx = 0x00000000 %edx = 0x00a6fdd8 %ebx = 0x00a6ff3c %esp = 0x00a6fd94 %ebp = 0x00a6fdb4 %esi = 0x00a6ff40 %edi = 0x00a6ff44 %eip = 0x00019c5d %eflags = 0x00000217 %cs = 0x001b %ds = 0x0023 %ss = 0x0023 %es = 0x0023 %fs = 0x003b %gs = 0x0000 Exception on foreign stack Exception occurred while executing foreign code ? for help [3272] Clozure CL kernel debugger: B current thread: tcr = 0x5cb330, native thread ID = 0xcd4, interrupts enabled (#x00B80BF8) #x08BED385 : # + 295 (#x00B80C10) #x08D39CD5 : # + 487 (#x00B80C1C) #x08B9113D : # + 639 (#x00B80C2C) #x08B91835 : # + 911 (#x00B80C6C) #x08B8D9A5 : # + 383 (#x00B80C8C) #x08B9AC55 : # + 231 (#x00B80CC0) #x08B832A5 : #)) #x08B8327E> + 39 (#x00B80CD0) #x08CE01F5 : # + 111 (#x00B80CF4) #x089EFE4D : # + 839 (#x00B80D24) #x082FCF5D : # + 183 (#x00B80D48) #x089F04DD : # + 639 (#x00B80D8C) #x083686DD : # + 247 (#x00B80DA8) #x083744B5 : # + 751 (#x00B80DE8) #x08375E25 : # + 1815 (#x00B80EFC) #x0836832D : # + 71 (#x00B80F04) #x08318175 : # + 95 (#x00B80F14) #x083D945D : # + 583 (#x00B80F60) #x08330A95 : # + 671 (#x00B80FA4) #x083312E5 : # + 335 (#x00B80FCC) #x083061BD : # + 279 [3272] Clozure CL kernel debugger: