Hi list,
I was trying to run CL+SSL on OpenMCL on a Mac/Intel machine. However, it fails to find the shared library libssl.so. I checked the list archives, and I noted the problems of e.g. trying to link in 32-bit libraries. But this seems to be different: the library does exist, and it is 64 bit, but it does not exist under the name libssl.so -- it's libssl.dylib.
The problem, as far as I can tell, is that the cffi-openmcl.lisp file defines the following:
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (mapc (lambda (feature) (pushnew feature *features*)) '(;; OS/CPU features. #+darwinppc-target cffi-features:darwin #+unix cffi-features:unix #+ppc32-target cffi-features:ppc32 #+x8664-target cffi-features:x86-64 )))
And the default suffix for unix is .so, not .dylib.
The problem is that load-foreign-library from libraries.lisp only tries to grab the default suffix (which in this case is .so) and then fails to find the .dylib library.
I tried fixing it by changing the #+unix line above to use cffi-features:darwin, but I still got the 'unable to load' message.
I followed Gary Byers' suggestion and ran lipo, and got:
$ lipo -info /usr/lib/libssl.dylib Architectures in the fat file: /usr/lib/libssl.dylib are: i386 ppc
I also installed the same library using darwinports and that one gives me this:
$ lipo -info /opt/local/lib/libssl.dylib Non-fat file: /opt/local/lib/libssl.dylib is architecture: i386
This is all on a 64-bit enabled processor. But I have no problem loading up the above libraries from e.g. C code.
Is it reasonable to conclude that I will have to compile 64-bit versions of these libraries, name them .so, and load those? Is there a better way of doing this?
Please let me know if there is any more information I can provide.
Thanks for your help, - David
On 18/07/07, David Haley dchaley@gmail.com wrote:
'(;; OS/CPU features. #+darwinppc-target cffi-features:darwin
Indeed, cffi-features:darwin should also be pushed on darwin/x86(-64).
The problem is that load-foreign-library from libraries.lisp only tries to grab the default suffix (which in this case is .so) and then fails to find the .dylib library.
(cffi:define-foreign-library libssl (:windows "libssl32.dll") (:unix (:or "libssl.so.0.9.8" "libssl.so")) (t (:default "libssl3")))
Since cffi-features:unix is present on *features* when running on MacOS X, load-foreign-library will pick that :unix clause. The way to fix this is add a (:darwin "libsslwhatever.dylib") clause before the :unix one.
On Wed, 2007-07-18 at 00:45 +0100, Luís Oliveira wrote:
Since cffi-features:unix is present on *features* when running on MacOS X, load-foreign-library will pick that :unix clause. The way to fix this is add a (:darwin "libsslwhatever.dylib") clause before the :unix one.
A more portable alternative would be instead to say:
(:unix (:or "libssl.so.0.9.8" (:default "libssl")))