[cffi-devel] a thought on string encodings

Hi, I hope encoding stuff will be the next great addition to CFFI. Here's some vague idea I once had. I got the impression that there are (at least) two types of functions: - one where the conversion depends on whatever dynamic calling context - another where the conversion is fixed, i.e. depends on the function only, not on the caller (but possibly on the library). Given CFFI's post transformers, I suspect that there's an opportunity to model both kinds of functions, i.e. - some where defcfun expands to defaults of custom:*foreign-encoding* (in CLISP speak) - some where the wrappers within defcfun impose a given encoding, e.g. ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 or UTF16. Examples that come to mind are the GDI YouNameIt*W() functions on MS-Windows, where the strings are all UTF-16. One could use that alternatively with getenv(), which might ask for UTF-8 (or just use the default from the Lisp system). Sometimes it seems, the encoding depends on the library to which the function belongs. Just my $0.02, and I'm eager to see what kind of design you'll come up with. Regards, Jörg Höhle.

On Thu, 2005-12-22 at 18:50 +0100, Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:
I hope encoding stuff will be the next great addition to CFFI. Here's some vague idea I once had. I got the impression that there are (at least) two types of functions: - one where the conversion depends on whatever dynamic calling context - another where the conversion is fixed, i.e. depends on the function only, not on the caller (but possibly on the library).
Given CFFI's post transformers, I suspect that there's an opportunity to model both kinds of functions, i.e. - some where defcfun expands to defaults of custom:*foreign-encoding* (in CLISP speak) - some where the wrappers within defcfun impose a given encoding, e.g. ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8 or UTF16.
Hi Jörg, I've started thinking about this. To demonstrate the new type translator interface, I'm working on (to begin with), a UTF8-STRING type which converts Lisp strings to/from UTF-8 on Unicode Lisps. I want to implement this efficiently in CLISP, so I want to be sure I use optimized C primitives as much as possible. I think I have a fairly efficient method for conversion to a foreign string: #+clisp (defmethod translate-to-foreign ((s string) (name (eql 'utf8-string))) (ffi:with-foreign-string (ptr chars bytes s :encoding charset:utf-8) (declare (ignore chars)) (let ((buf (foreign-alloc :unsigned-char :count bytes))) (memcpy buf ptr bytes) (values buf t)))) (where memcpy just calls the C function of the same name) I didn't see any interface in CLISP to convert a Lisp string to a pointer that didn't stack-allocate, but this should still be pretty fast. (Does the CLISP FFI provide something like memcpy?) However, I haven't been able to find an inverse for FFI:WITH-FOREIGN-STRING. I'd like to be able to convert a pointer back to a Lisp string without looping in bytecode to create a vector of octets from the pointer. So, I think I need that block interface we've talked about. I tried a whole bunch of combinations of FFI:MEMORY-AS with FFI:C-ARRAY-PTR types and got nothing but segfaults. Is there something I can use to convert the pointer to either a vector of octets (which I can pass to EXT:CONVERT-STRING-FROM-BYTES, or to a Lisp string directly? Thanks, James
participants (2)
Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril
James Bielman