[cffi-devel] expressive types (was: cffi/allegro crash)

Luis Oliveira
Let me see if I got this straight, your proposal is that the :pointer type may or may not accept NIL (but it should documented as non-portable), No. :pointer is documented to only accept valid CFFI pointers. These are documented as opaque. Code using NIL is in error, as well as code using 0.
and that we should provide a second pointer type that is guaranteed to translate between the null pointer and NIL. Yes, because such a type is useful. Well, for Allegro not really -- forget it.
Another useful addition is a pointer type which does not accept a null-pointer, but signals an error instead, or just specifies that "passing (null-pointer) is an error". This type can be used in function declarations. The effect is two-fold: a) just from seeing the declaration, you know that NULL is not allowed. b) optionally, the transformers could check for this at run-time. It's like the difference between C-PTR and C-PTR-NULL in CLISP. Expressive type definitions are what I'd like to arrive at. There are plenty of functions in the C lib where NULL is not allowed, yet you cannot tell it from reading the .h files. The difference between NULL not allowed vs. allowed is fundamental to program verification. That's the first thing that other languages, which aim at formal verification distinguish. E.g. Cyclone is IIRC such a dialect of C. Regards, Jörg Höhle

(Hi Joerg,) On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 16:15 +0100, Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril wrote:
Luis Oliveira
Let me see if I got this straight, your proposal is that the :pointer type may or may not accept NIL (but it should documented as non-portable), No. :pointer is documented to only accept valid CFFI pointers. These are documented as opaque. Code using NIL is in error, as well as code using 0.
I agree completely with this. It's easy to define a translator on :pointer to convert NIL to and from null pointers if this is desired.
Another useful addition is a pointer type which does not accept a null-pointer, but signals an error instead, or just specifies that "passing (null-pointer) is an error". This type can be used in function declarations. The effect is two-fold: a) just from seeing the declaration, you know that NULL is not allowed. b) optionally, the transformers could check for this at run-time.
I'm not certain I see how you could do this at any other time besides run-time, except for maybe some cases where the function argument is CONSTANTP and evaluates to nil in some compiler-macro or so. This is the sort of stuff that should be easy to define in "userland" using the type translator mechanism, but I can see that this could be usefully predefined by CFFI. James
participants (2)
Hoehle, Joerg-Cyril
James Bielman