Just checked the https://github.com/cffi/cffi/blob/master/grovel/common.h , there is a SLOT_SIGNED_P macro, which looks very interesting.
I'm wondering is it a good idea to use similar trick to detect float and double for the auto type?
made a implement: https://github.com/leosongwei/cffi/compare/master...leosongwei:dev
gonna make a pull request after adding test
On 2021/3/23 下午10:15, Song Wei wrote:
Just checked the https://github.com/cffi/cffi/blob/master/grovel/common.h , there is a SLOT_SIGNED_P macro, which looks very interesting.
I'm wondering is it a good idea to use similar trick to detect float and double for the auto type?
On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 at 11:15, Song Wei leo_songwei@outlook.com wrote:
Just checked the https://github.com/cffi/cffi/blob/master/grovel/common.h , there is a SLOT_SIGNED_P macro, which looks very interesting.
I'm wondering is it a good idea to use similar trick to detect float and double for the auto type?
Maybe! That bit was contributed by Joshua Elsasser. Perhaps he's still around to opine.
Cheers, Luís