Sat Aug 6 05:11:19 WEST 2005 Luis Oliveira loliveira@common-lisp.net * Broken "support" for GCL.
- Basic pointer operations and memory access is working. - Calling foreign functions too, probably, untested.
Sat Aug 6 05:00:43 WEST 2005 Luis Oliveira loliveira@common-lisp.net * Initial support for Corman Lisp.
- A few bugs and issues left, fails 5 tests. (the tests won't run automatically because Corman Lisp binds *load-truename* to NIL, so the code in tests/bindings.lisp doesn't find the C test library).
I stopped implementing CFFI-SYS for GCL because I couldn't easily test it. GCL can't compile the rest of CFFI so this port dropped a few places in my priority list. I hear they're improving ANSI CL support actively so I suppose the situation will improve soon.