[cffi-devel] pythononlisp and array operation error
Hi On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 7:10 PM, Prashanth <munichlinux@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 6:44 PM, Luís Oliveira <luismbo@gmail.com> wrote:
What version of CFFI are you using?
I am using the stable 0.9.2
to be more specific about the error this is the trace OS: debian Lisp: Allegro 8.0 python on lisp: 0.2 64 bit machine when i try to load the library these are the errors: #<Printer Error, obj=#x1000000ae9: attempt to take the length of a non-sequence: #<unknown object of type number 10 @ #x61007e0020003a>> Restart actions (select using :continue): 0: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart). 1: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process. [1] TOP-DEALS(9): :zoom :verbose t Evaluation stack: call to ERROR required arg: EXCL::DATUM = TYPE-ERROR &rest EXCL::ARGUMENTS = (:DATUM #<unknown object of type number 10 @ #x7fff5baab81a> :EXPECTED-TYPE ...) function suspended at relative address 805 ---------------------------- ->call to FORMAT required arg: STREAM = #<EXCL:TERMINAL-SIMPLE-STREAM [initial terminal io] fd 0/1 @ #x1000241602> required arg: EXCL::STRING-OR-FN = (EXCL::FORMATTER-TREE . "~&~a: ~a~%~@[ [condition type: ~a]~%~]") &rest EXCL::ARGS = ("Error" #<SIMPLE-ERROR @ #x100258a8a2> SIMPLE-ERROR) function suspended at relative address 610 ---------------------------- call to ERROR required arg: EXCL::DATUM = SIMPLE-ERROR &rest EXCL::ARGUMENTS = (:FORMAT-CONTROL "Invalid ~s argument: ~s" :FORMAT-ARGUMENTS ...) function suspended at relative address 805 ---------------------------- call to POSITION-IF-NOT required arg: EXCL::TEST = #<non-lisp object @ #x7fff5baacb0a> required arg: SEQUENCE = "~&~a: ~a~%~@[ [condition type: ~a]~%~]" &key EXCL::FROM-END = :UNSUPPLIED &key EXCL::START = 1 &key EXCL::KEY = :UNSUPPLIED &key EXCL::END = :UNSUPPLIED function suspended at relative address 526 ---------------------------- call to FORMAT required arg: STREAM = #<EXCL:TERMINAL-SIMPLE-STREAM [initial terminal io] fd 0/1 @ #x1000241602> required arg: EXCL::STRING-OR-FN = (EXCL::FORMATTER-TREE . "~&~a: ~a~%~@[ [condition type: ~a]~%~]") &rest EXCL::ARGS = ("Error" #<EXCL:SYNCHRONOUS-OPERATING-SYSTEM-SIGNAL @ #x100258a412> EXCL:SYNCHRONOUS-OPERATING-SYSTEM-SIGNAL) function suspended at relative address 610 ---------------------------- call to ERROR required arg: EXCL::DATUM = EXCL:SYNCHRONOUS-OPERATING-SYSTEM-SIGNAL &rest EXCL::ARGUMENTS = (:NAME "Segmentation violation" :NUMBER ...) function suspended at relative address 805 ---------------------------- call to CFFI-CALLBACKS::|PYTHONONLISP::DUMPSTD| function suspended at relative address 533 ---------------------------- call to PY::PYTHONLISP extra arg = "print \"If you can see this, Python is loaded and working\"" function suspended at relative address 634 ---------------------------- (ghost call to PY::INIT-PYTHON) ---------------------------- call to PY::PYTHONLISP extra arg = " import sys, os, getopt, sha from cStringIO import StringIO import datetime import copy sys.path.append('/usr/local/mailman/') from email.Utils import parseaddr from Mailman import MailList from Mailman import Utils from Mailman import Message from Mailman import Errors from Mailman import mm_cfg from Mailman import i18n from types import StringType from Mailman import Errors from Mailman import MemberAdaptor from Mailman.OldStyleMemberships import OldStyleMemberships print \"python\" " function suspended at relative address 120 ---------------------------- (ghost call to EXCL::%EVAL) ---------------------------- :err Attempt to throw to the non-existent tag EXCL::PRINTER-ERROR Restart actions (select using :continue): 0: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart). 1: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process. [1] TOP-DEALS(6): :zoom t #<Printer Error, obj=#x1000000ae9: attempt to take the length of a non-sequence: #<unknown object of type number 10 @ #x61007e0020003a>> Restart actions (select using :continue): 0: Return to Debug Level 1 (an "abort" restart). 1: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart). 2: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process. [2] TOP-DEALS(7): :zoom t #<Printer Error, obj=#x1000000ae9: attempt to take the length of a non-sequence: #<unknown object of type number 10 @ #x61007e0020003a>> Restart actions (select using :continue): 0: Return to Debug Level 2 (an "abort" restart). 1: Return to Debug Level 1 (an "abort" restart). 2: Return to Top Level (an "abort" restart). 3: Abort entirely from this (lisp) process. :zoom Evaluation stack: (ERROR CONTROL-ERROR :FORMAT-CONTROL ...) ->(SIGNAL #<TYPE-ERROR @ #x100258d7f2>) (ERROR TYPE-ERROR :DATUM ...) (FORMAT #<EXCL:TERMINAL-SIMPLE-STREAM [initial terminal io] fd 0/1 @ #x1000241602> (EXCL::FORMATTER-TREE . "~&~a: ~a~%~@[ [condition type: ~a]~%~]") ...) (ERROR SIMPLE-ERROR :FORMAT-CONTROL ...) (POSITION-IF-NOT #<non-lisp object @ #x7fff5baacb0a> "~&~a: ~a~%~@[ [condition type: ~a]~%~]" ...) (FORMAT #<EXCL:TERMINAL-SIMPLE-STREAM [initial terminal io] fd 0/1 @ #x1000241602> (EXCL::FORMATTER-TREE . "~&~a: ~a~%~@[ [condition type: ~a]~%~]") ...) (ERROR EXCL:SYNCHRONOUS-OPERATING-SYSTEM-SIGNAL :NAME ...) (CFFI-CALLBACKS::|PYTHONONLISP::DUMPSTD|) --- regards, Prashanth http://munichlinux.blogspot.com
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