29 May
29 May
5:15 a.m.
I've created a "Materials" subsection on the Lisp Workshop informational page: http://www.chicagolisp.org/wiki/doku.php?id=lispworkshop#materials Please link in any other relevant things. Craig, I've taken the liberty of zipping up your HTML-based presentation and the two Lisp source files into a lisp-macros.zip bundle, and made reference to it within this section. Also notice that I've put an alert on our homepage, notifying people of the 'bootstrap' material's existence: http://www.chicagolisp.org/ We don't have an efficient way of broadcasting this information directly to attendees, so I'm hoping that a sufficient number of people will reference our homepage before the big day and take note of these things. - John Quigley