John, Thanks for the response. I had seen the Tekniks list before (from your website, I think) and went today to sign up for the list. I won't be able to come this week (I have a baby and therefore need to negotiate nights out in advance, plus I'm having laptop problems) but I'd like to hear how it goes and if any decisions get made. For instance, will everyone work on their own projects, or will people team up and focus on a project together? Could you also give a blurb about Programming Tonight? How many people, what kinds of projects, any good results? The page (http://www.chicagolug.org/wiki/Programming_Tonight ) on the Chicago Linux User Group was a little vague. Is the idea to merge with them, work alongside them to piggyback off of a larger group, look for other like-minded people outside of the list, etc? Thanks for taking the initiative to work on these kind of things - I'll contribute where I can. -Peter -- ------------------------------------------------------ Peter Christensen peter@pchristensen.com