On Dec 4, 2006, at 5:03 PM, John Quigley wrote:
Sorry for chiming in late here. Let me give the minutes of the meeting, in brief, first:
Chicago Lisp: 2006-12-02 ------------------------------------------ In attendance: John, Michael, Peter, Damien, John
<snip> Thanks for the meeting summary, and providing a link to the presentation. I've got SLIME going with SBCL here on my MacBook. With any luck I should be able to be at the upcoming meeting of CLUG, and participate in any Lisp discussion/planning that happens at there. WRT the website, I have only briefly tinkered with both Araneida and Portable AllegroServe. Neither one stood out to me as particularly better than the other, but I really only scratched the surface of their capabilities. I think a project to setup a Lisp-backed website for the group would be a decent first undertaking. Jason