It's pretty easy to alter a Knoppix filesystem, I actually did it for a research thing at my school. What you want to look for is Knoppix Remastering, (see: http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Knoppix_Remastering_Howto). I wrote some scripts to help me easily re-master multiple times, and there are apparently people working on making the process more automated as well. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Yacin Corey Sweeney wrote:
Hey everyone.
Ok this is really late, and lots of stuff to talk about.
First up: The list lag.
John mentioned recieving 5 backloged messages. I wrote the original message on sunday the 10th at 3:42pm. When did everyone recieve it? I think i stopped checking for responces on tuesday a little before people started responding :) [emergency at work happened]
Ok, now I have some issues, like: Tech coffie is to early to get up I'm in the northwest suburbs (is anyone else in the suburbs, or is *everyone* in the city?)
I also have a major issue that i'm not portable. My project is bound to my (huge) machine, and people don't want to let me format thier laptops hard drive when they loan it to me. heh. I've been trying to install to a USB keychain drive. I now have knoppix on the keychain drive, but i havn't figured out how to add programs to knoppix since the filesystem is compressed and appears to be read only.
Plus what everyones said so far.
Now for solutions:
I propose that we set up a IRC channel, (probably #chicago-lisp on freenet), and have IRC meetings at the same time as the code sprints. The idea would be to log in from the code sprint if you can make it, or just log in from home if your lazy.
It also means that we could have "satelite meetings" where a couple people could have a more local "code sprint" that was networked to the main one.
Also, I like the idea of makeing the code sprints the focal point for the lisp get togethers (especially since I can rarely make saturdays). I'd propose that we make the code sprint/irc meetings the "get together time", and just do the LUG when we have a actual presentation?
What do people think?
P.S. does anyone know how to deal with the compressed knoppix filesystem?
On 6/13/07, michael bobak <mike.bobak@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah! me too. I should be able to catch part of this Fridays.
On Jun 13, 2007, at 3:59 PM, John Quigley wrote:
michael bobak wrote: I had suggested the 'tech-coffee' in my email that didn't go through; but would probably be more interested in this one.
We've modeled this after TechCoffee. Most of us are night-owls so the early morning TechCoffee schedule isn't compatible, if you get my drift. Programming Tonight generally runs from 7p to 12a or so.
- John Quigley _______________________________________________ chicago-lisp site list chicago-lisp@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/chicago-lisp ps. I didn't cc the list, as it always bounces for me. _Michael bobak@computer.org __ http://chicagolisp.googlepages.com/