On 6/21/07, Norbert Wojtowicz <wojtowicz.norbert@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello John and everyone else I may or may not know.
Hi! :)
I propose that we set up a IRC channel, (probably #chicago-lisp on freenet), and have IRC meetings at the same time as the code sprints. The idea would be to log in from the code sprint if you can make it, or just log in from home if your lazy.
+1. Sometimes I just have fairly simple questions that stump me for an hour and there's also the problem of being flamed/ignored on #lisp. :-)
I agree. I'm hoping that by forcing it to be a local thing, that people will learn who each other are, and interactions more valuable then a average #lisp interaction. Or said more coarsely: Your more likely to be polite when they know where you live. heh (That's a good enough approximation of what i'm trying to say, without me trying to formally model it :) Actually, send your questions to the common-lisp mailing list. We need the traffic :)
Also, I like the idea of makeing the code sprints the focal point for the lisp get togethers (especially since I can rarely make saturdays). I'd propose that we make the code sprint/irc meetings the "get together time", and just do the LUG when we have a actual presentation?
Hopefully there can be a similar psychology effect as TechCoffee: people pushed and prodded to go finish their projects are more likely to get things done than a biweekly general meet-up (not that there is anything wrong with the LUG meetings; just doesn't seem to share the same goals). Additionally, probably a lot of what we can learn from our peers is through time spent hacking together on problems. That is to say, a lot of epiphany "ah-ha!" moments probably can't be translated to a 15 minute presentation.
That's a good point about the "psycology effect". Perhaps after we get started, we should start a "whiteboard" that lists what project each person is currently working on. (projects that people are *thinking about* working on would go somewhere else) By the way, is chicagolisp.org empty, or in a forign language?
Cheers! - Norbert
PS. Is there a meeting tomorrow night and, if so, is it at the same cafe as listed earlier? _______________________________________________ chicago-lisp site list chicago-lisp@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/chicago-lisp
-- ((lambda (y) (y y)) (lambda (y) (y y)))