Hey Folks: I'm interested in taking charge of this group and giving it some direction. I've been subscribed to this list for a few months, and haven't seen any activity. I'm really interested in hanging out with some Lisp hackers, and I think it's a shame that there's no activity here. In this vein, I'm inviting everyone interested to make it out next Saturday, 2006-12-02 @ 3p, to a pilot meeting at the Chicago Institute of Design. I operate the Chicago LUG, and have access to a really beautiful meeting space (4 big conference rooms, 20 white boards, projector, the works). I'd like to run The Chicago LUG meeting concurrently; I'll be making a presentation (to both the Lisp and LUG groups) on setting up a good Lisp development environment (Slime, etc.) as an introduction for newer developers. The Chicago LUG has a number of functional developers (Erlang, Haskell and Lisp predominantly), so I'm trying to bootstrap the Lisp group by harnessing interest within the LUG. Thoughts? Suggestions? I'd love to hear them. Please try to make it out, and RSVP if you're able to attend. If enough people show interest, we can have a forum after the presentation to plan things out. I'm willing to invest my time in starting/operating a web site, etc., but I want to make sure I'm not alone in wanting to make something of this group. Regards, John Quigley http://www.chicagolug.org/~jquigley/