Folks: The Chicago GNU/Linux Group is meeting on Saturday, June 16, 2007 at 3:00pm. We'll be meeting at the Cleversafe, Inc. offices, right off the red and green lines by US Cellular Field: http://tinyurl.com/2j22sn Our presentations are set to be: * The Falcon Storage Engine (Jess Balint) * Reading and Understanding Software Licensing (Erik Rakoczy) Additionally, we'll be spending time as a group in planning for BarCamp, which is taking place next weekend, and discussing group projects being developed during our weekly code sprints. As always, beer and food are allowed: please come prepared. For further information, visit our homepage or see the meeting agenda: * http://www.chicagolug.org/ * http://www.chicagolug.org/wiki/Agenda20070616 Feel free to call or email me directly with questions or concerns. Best, John Quigley cell 312.351.3671 mail jq@jquigley.com home www.jquigley.com