Here's the meeting announcement that's propagating, just FYI: ---------- SNIP ------------ Folks: The Chicago G/LUG and Lisp communities are having a joint meeting this coming Saturday, December 02, 2006 @ 3p, right in downtown Chicago at the Institute of Design. Meeting info: http://www.chicagolug.org/Meetings Meeting agenda: http://www.chicagolug.org/Agenda_2006-12-02 The two groups will overlap with a presentation on SLIME, the Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs. The purpose of this presentation will be to instruct new Lispers in creating a remarkably powerful and beautiful development environment using entirely free software. This is the first meeting of Chicago Lisp, and we invite everyone interested to come and help us develop ideas as to how to run the group. After the meeting, join us for food and drinks as we geek it up over brews. Questions and comments can be directed to lug@chicagolug.org, or join us on IRC at #chiglug@irc.oftc.net or lisp@irc.oftc.net. Regards, John Quigley