[chicago-lisp] 1st call for participation AFP 2008, The Netherlands

1ST CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 6TH INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING 2008 (AFP ’08) RADBOUD UNIVERSITY NIJMEGEN AND UTRECHT UNIVERSITY, THE NETHERLANDS MAY 19-24, 2008 http://www.st.cs.ru.nl/AFP_TFP_2008/ AFP is a series of international summer schools which aims to bring computer scientists, in particular young researchers and programmers, up to date with the latest advances in practical advanced functional programming. Functional programming emphasizes the evaluation of expressions rather than the execution of commands. We focus on functional programming techniques in “programming in the real world” and bridge the gap between results presented at programming conferences and material from textbooks on functional programming. In this school you will receive in depth lectures about advanced functional programming techniques, taught by experts in the field. Lectures are accompanied by practical problems to be solved by the students at the school. AFP 2008 is hosted by the Radboud University Nijmegen, and Utrecht University, The Netherlands, and will be held in the rural setting of Center Parcs “Het Heijderbos”, Heijen (in the vicinity of Nijmegen), The Netherlands. AFP 2008 is co-located with the 9th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP’08), which is held after AFP’08. PROGRAM INFORMATION The following speakers will give the lectures (in alphabetic order): Umut Acar (Toyota Technological Institute, University of Chicago, US) Richard Bird (University of Oxford, UK) Olivier Danvy (University of Aarhus, DK) Johan Jeuring (Utrecht University, NL) Mark Jones (Portland State University, US) Ulf Norell (Chalmers University, SE) Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research, UK) Rinus Plasmeijer (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL) During the summer school, all participants receive printed lecture notes. Participants are expected to have a notebook, in order to be able to participate with the practical problems. After the summer school, all lecture notes will be revised, reviewed, and published in the LNCS series of Springer. All registered participants receive a copy of these lecture notes. VENUE INFORMATION AFP (and TFP) is held in The Netherlands, at Center Parcs “Het Heijderbos” which is a holiday resort in the woodlands near the city of Nijmegen. We accomodate participants in DeLuxe Cottages, each of which has three separate bed-rooms, shared bathroom, toilet, kitchen, and terrace. Cottages will be shared by three participants. If you wish to reduce costs, you can choose to share a bedroom. The summer school and symposium will take place in the business center of the venue. Breakfast, lunch and diner is included within the limits of the venue. The resort features, amongst others, a sub-tropical swimming pool (free for participants), restaurants, shops, water sports lake, midget golf court, squash court, and outdoor and indoor tennis courts. Nijmegen is considered to be the oldest city of the Netherlands, being approximately 2000 years old. Nijmegen is located at the east border of the Netherlands, near Germany. Nijmegen can be reached easily from several airports such as Schiphol airport, Eindhoven airport, and Düsseldorf airport, as well as by train and car. Conveniently close to Center Parcs “Het Heijderbos” you will find airport Weeze in Germany. The venue Center Parcs “Het Heijderbos” can be reached from Nijmegen by train to Boxmeer (25 minutes). From there you will need to order a taxi. The venue can also be reached by car: parking is free for participants of AFP and TFP. SUMMER SCHOOL FEES AFP 2008 includes accommodation, conference, breakfast – lunch – diner, speakers, and proceedings costs. The early registration fee is € 995; the late registration fee is € 1095. Please note that if you require financial support, you can apply for a grant (see below). GRANT INFORMATION We have taken great care to reduce the registration cost as much as possible. We can grant a subsidy for a limited number of PhD student participants for whom the costs are still too high. In order to apply for this subsidy, you need to send (by surface mail or e-mail) a request for subsidy which contains your personal information, affiliation, a description of your current status, project description, a motivation why you should receive the grant, and a recommendation from your PhD supervisor. This letter should arrive before april 7 2008 to: Rinus Plasmeijer Radboud University Nijmegen Toernooiveld 1 6525ED Nijmegen rinus@cs.ru.nl You will receive a notification whether your request has been granted before april 14 2008. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Early registration opens at march 1 2008. Late registration opens at april 15 2008. Registration closes at may 5 2008. We can not guarantee accommodation in case you wish to register later than may 5 2008. IMPORTANT DATES (ALL 2008) Early Registration Opens: March 1 Early Registration Deadline: April 14 Late Registration Opens: April 15 Late Registration Deadline: May 5 AFP Summer School: May 19-24 ORGANIZATION Programme Chair: Rinus Plasmeijer, Pieter Koopman, Radboud University Nijmegen, NL Doaitse Swierstra, Utrecht University, NL Arrangements: Peter Achten, Simone Meeuwsen, Radboud University Nijmegen, NL E-mail: afp_tfp_2008@cs.ru.nl
participants (1)
Peter Achten