[chicago-lisp] Recap of 4/18 Chicago Lisp Meeting

Recap of 4/18 meeting: http://www.pchristensen.com/blog/articles/recap-of-4182008-chicago-lisp-meet... *ITEMS OF BUSINESS*: ** *Name* - None of the name ideas got much support, so we're sticking with Chicago Lisp until someone comes up with something awesomer. ** *Project* - No one had any ideas for or time to work on a project as a group so that's also waiting for an awesomer idea. *Server* - John and Craig both have servers where they can host things but not allow remote access to. John has a basic homepage at http://www.chicaglisp.org and has a mailing list<http://https//www.chicagolisp.org/lists/listinfo/chicago-lisp-discuss>setup. There might be a wiki in the future. Meeting announcements and recaps will continue to be on Peter's Chicago Lisp page<http://www.pchristensen.com/blog/chicago-lisp>and then cross posted to the two mailing lists and the chicagolisp.org site. *Next Meeting* *WHEN*: Friday, May 16th at 7pm. ** *WHERE*: TBD (suggest a place <chicago-lisp-discuss@chicagolisp.org>) ** *WHAT*: Lightning talks. The following people have signed up, more welcome (email Peter <http://www.pchristensen.com/blog/chicago-lisp> if interested or add a comment at Coordinatr <http://coordinatr.com/events/home/3bbndi8iji>) - Grant Rattke - A simple object system using macros - Steve Githens - TBD - Dry runs from the people presenting at the Intro to Lisp Workshop *Intro to Lisp Workshop*: We did some pre-planning and delegation. See details here<http://www.pchristensen.com/blog/articles/announcing-intro-to-lisp-workshop/>. ** *Presentation on Combined Object-Lambda Architectures (COLAs)*: The inagural presentation of our group was about the work done by the Viewpoints Research Institure (VPRI) <http://www.vpri.org/>. The most recognizable name associated with this is Alan Kay, Mr. Invent the Future himself. John Quigley made an excellent slide deck<http://www.pchristensen.com/20080418-jquigley-colas.pdf>(pdf) where he reviewed the paper "Making COLAs with Pepsi and Coke" <http://piumarta.com/software/cola/colas-whitepaper.pdf>(pdf) by Ian Piumarta and put into slightly more comprensible language. This paper is for the Fundamental New Computer Technologies<http://www.vpri.org/html/work/ifnct.htm>project at VPRI. The aim of the project is to create a complete computing system in 20,000 lines of code. This system would be everything from the hardware to the UI and include both design and implementation. Having such a compact system would be a useful exploration and learning tool, so every part of it can be inspected and manipulated. They're currently 18 months into a 5 year project but they already have made intriguing progress. John's presentation was about the architecture of the self bootstrapping system. I can't claim that I understood it all, or even most of it. I was able to keep up mostly because I had come across VPRI's work on Jeff Moser's blog earlier in the week so I was familiar with the overview. What I did sort of grasp boggled my mind and definintely but VPRI on my technical radar, if for no other reason than as a technical challenge to aspire to. If you can understand everything in Piumarta's paper (or even in John's summary deck), you're a whiz. If not, don't feel bad. I would recommend reading the NSF proposal <http://www.vpri.org/pdf/NSF_prop_RN-2006-002.pdf>(pdf) and the first year progress report <http://www.vpri.org/pdf/steps_TR-2007-008.pdf> (pdf). They're in more accessible, less technically deep language and they have pretty pictures. Thanks John for setting the bar high right out of the gate! On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Peter Christensen <peter@pchristensen.com> wrote:
Fine with me too. I'll have the recaps up this weekend - they're mostly written but I was waiting on the date for the workshop before I posted them.
On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 9:11 PM, Craig Ludington <cl@craig.upholsters.us> wrote:
John Quigley writes:
I've tentatively scheduled the first Lisp Workshop for Saturday, May 31, 2008 at 3:00pm at the Institute of Design[1] in downtown Chicago (right by the Clark/Lake El stop). More details to come, but I want to first confirm that this date works with the various volunteers who will be teaching.
That date is fine with me.
Craig _______________________________________________ chicago-lisp-discuss mailing list chicago-lisp-discuss@chicagolisp.org https://www.chicagolisp.org/lists/listinfo/chicago-lisp-discuss
-- ------------------------------------------------------ Peter Christensen http://www.pchristensen.com/ peter@pchristensen.com
-- ------------------------------------------------------ Peter Christensen http://www.pchristensen.com/ peter@pchristensen.com
participants (1)
Peter Christensen