[chicago-lisp] Updates: website, meeting, BarCamp

Folks: We've grown quiet here again, and I think we should push for another meeting. First, let me inform you that I've been working towards a website for us on my end: http://www.chicagolisp.org/ Feedback, or help in any form, would be greatly appreciated. You'll notice a big section entitled "Articles." I'd love to post articles that our community writes here. I've asked some people in my language design research group to help on this, and there's decided interest. If you've ever had an inclination to formally write on some topic about functional languages/programming (not just Lisp-specific), I'd love to host that article on our site. I'm hosting a Chicago Linux meeting at my company's place of business (Cleversafe, Inc.) this coming Saturday (June 16th at 3p). We're located within a block of the Red (Sox/35th) and Green (IIT/Bronzeville) stops, right on the IIT campus. Let's try to get a Lisp meeting going concurrently, don't you think? What we need is two people will to give a presentation on anything remotely Lisp-related. Interested? Please email the list! Also, please note that BarCamp is coming up http://www.barcampchicago.com/ I'm giving a Lisp presentation on Saturday at 1600 hours: http://www.barcampchicago.com/index.php?wiki=SaturdaysAgenda I think it would be awesome if others signed up to attend - or to speak - if at all possible. I plan on really advertising for the Lisp group, as BarCamp attracts a huge number of people interested in technology. Hope everything is well amongst you all =) Best, John Quigley
participants (1)
John Quigley