Author: tpapp
Date: Mon Apr 21 09:01:57 2008
New Revision: 19
fixed my-double type coercion to work with new CFFI
Modified: cl-cairo2-swig.lisp
--- cl-cairo2-swig.lisp (original)
+++ cl-cairo2-swig.lisp Mon Apr 21 09:01:57 2008
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
(in-package :cl-cairo2)
-(defctype my-double :double)
-;; (defmethod cffi:expand-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'my-double)))
-;; `(coerce ,value 'double-float))
-(defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'my-double)))
- (coerce value 'double-float))
+;; define our own alias for double float, so we can automatically
+;; convert other numerical types in the arguments
+(define-foreign-type my-double-type ()
+ ()
+ (:actual-type :double)
+ (:simple-parser my-double))
+(defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type my-double-type))
+ (coerce value 'double-float))
;; typedefs: we don't want to create all of them automatically,
;; because typedefs for structures confuse with-foreign-slots
Modified: cl-cairo2.i
--- cl-cairo2.i (original)
+++ cl-cairo2.i Mon Apr 21 09:01:57 2008
@@ -9,11 +9,15 @@
%insert("lisphead") %{
(in-package :cl-cairo2)
-(defctype my-double :double)
-;; (defmethod cffi:expand-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'my-double)))
-;; `(coerce ,value 'double-float))
-(defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'my-double)))
- (coerce value 'double-float))
+;; define our own alias for double float, so we can automatically
+;; convert other numerical types in the arguments
+(define-foreign-type my-double-type ()
+ ()
+ (:actual-type :double)
+ (:simple-parser my-double))
+(defmethod translate-to-foreign (value (type my-double-type))
+ (coerce value 'double-float))
;; typedefs: we don't want to create all of them automatically,
;; because typedefs for structures confuse with-foreign-slots
Modified: tutorial/hearts.png
Binary files. No diff available.