Hi Dmitry,
I have just committed a revision of cl-cairo2 which I believe fixes the issue (uses CFFI's fancy define-foreign-type, with the help of Luis Oliveira).
If you have the time, please check if the new version fixes things for you, it works for me.
Also, thanks for the bug report.
Enjoy cl-cairo2,
On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 04:04:04AM +0400, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:
In the meantime, can you tell me what the following does on your version:
CL-USER> (require :cffi) NIL CL-USER> (cffi:defctype my-double :double) MY-DOUBLE CL-USER> (defmethod cffi:translate-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'my-double))) (coerce value 'double-float)) #<STANDARD-METHOD CFFI:TRANSLATE-TO-FOREIGN (T (EQL MY-DOUBLE)) {10038378E1}> CL-USER> (cffi:translate-to-foreign 10 'my-double) 10.0d0 CL-USER> (cffi:convert-to-foreign 10 'my-double) 10
Regards, Dmitry