New release CL-EMB 0.2.0 CL-EMB is a library to embed Common Lisp and special template tags into normal text files. Can be used for dynamically generated HTML pages. You can download it from http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-emb/ or install with ASDF-Install. CL-USER> (require :asdf-install) CL-USER> (asdf-install:install :cl-emb) Changes: - Debugging: CL-EMB:REGISTER-EMB saves the generated lambda form when CL-EMB:*DEBUG* is T. You may pretty print this form with CL-EMB:PPRINT-EMB-FUNCTION CL-USER> (emb:register-emb "test7" " - <% @var foo -escape uri %> - ") #<CL-EMB::EMB-FUNCTION {96F1239}> CL-USER> (emb:pprint-emb-function "test7") (LAMBDA (&OPTIONAL CL-EMB-INTERN::ENV) (WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING (*STANDARD-OUTPUT*) (PROGN (WRITE-STRING " - ") (FORMAT T "~A" (CL-EMB::ECHO (GETF CL-EMB-INTERN::ENV :FOO) :ESCAPE :URI)) (WRITE-STRING " - ")))) ; No value - New template tag @set can be used to set special variables and establish a default for the rest of the code. CL-USER> (emb:register-emb "test8" "<% @set escape=xml %>--<% @var hey %>--") #<CL-EMB::EMB-FUNCTION {962B839}> CL-USER> (emb:register-emb "test9" "--<% @var hey %>--<% @call test8 %>--<% @var hey %>--") #<CL-EMB::EMB-FUNCTION {96931A9}> CL-USER> (emb:execute-emb "test9" '(:hey "5>2")) "--5>2----5>2----5>2--"