New release CL-EMB 0.4.0
CL-EMB is a library to embed Common Lisp and special template tags into normal text files. Can be used for dynamically generated HTML pages.
You can download it from or install with ASDF-Install.
CL-USER> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :asdf-install) CL-USER> (asdf-install:install :cl-emb)
Changes: - Extended way to access environment (the supplied plist) with template tags.
E.g.: <% @var foo/bar %> --> Like accessing (GETF (GETF ENV :FOO) :BAR)
When your're inside a nested loop you can access the elements of the toplevel by starting the parameter with a slash.
CL-USER> (emb:register-emb "test11" "<% @loop bands %>Band: <% @var band %> (Genre: <% @var /genre %>)<br><% @endloop %>") #<CL-EMB::EMB-FUNCTION {58ADB12D}> CL-USER> (emb:execute-emb "test11" :env '(:genre "Rock" :bands ((:band "Queen") (:band "The Rolling Stones") (:band "ZZ Top")))) "Band: Queen (Genre: Rock)<br>Band: The Rolling Stones (Genre: Rock)<br>Band: ZZ Top (Genre: Rock)<br>"
CL-USER> (emb:register-emb "test12" "<% @repeat /foo/bar/count %>*<% @endrepeat %>") #<CL-EMB::EMB-FUNCTION {58B7583D}> CL-USER> (emb:execute-emb "test12" :env '(:foo (:bar (:count 42)))) "******************************************"