[cl-emb-announce] New release 0.0.3

New release 0.0.3 You can download it from http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cl-emb/ or install with ASDF-Install.
(require :asdf-install) (asdf-install:install :cl-emb)
Changes: - Comments. Everything within <%# ... #%> will be removed/ignored. (With "<%" and "%>" representing the current start and end marker.) - Escaping. New special variable *ESCAPE-TYPE* and a modifier for @var. Supported escaping: raw, xml (aka html), uri (aka url or url-encode) Example: CL-USER> (emb:register-emb "test5" "<a href=\"http://somewhere.test/test.cgi?<% @var foo -escape uri %>\"><% @var foo %></a>") #<CL-EMB::EMB-FUNCTION {9FBF5F1}> CL-USER> (let ((emb:*escape-type* :html)) (emb:execute-emb "test5" '(:foo "10 > 7"))) "<a href=\"http://somewhere.test/test.cgi?10+%3E+7\">10 > 7</a>"
participants (1)
Stefan Scholl