New release CL-EMB 0.2.1
CL-EMB is a library to embed Common Lisp and special template tags into normal text files. Can be used for dynamically generated HTML pages.
You can download it from or install with ASDF-Install.
CL-USER> (require :asdf-install) CL-USER> (asdf-install:install :cl-emb)
Changes: - New functions CLEAR-EMB, CLEAR-EMB-ALL, and CLEAR-EMB-ALL-FILES clear registered emb code. By name, all or just all emb code from files.
Maybe you want to start debugging a running project. Setting CL-EMB:*DEBUG* allows you to see the generated code with CL-EMB:PPRINT-EMB-FUNCTION for code that gets registered after that. If you clear the registered code with CL-EMB:CLEAR-EMB-ALL-FILES all files get registered again when called with CL-EMB:EXECUTE-EMB.
(Or just touch all the files.)