Update of /project/cl-gsl/cvsroot/cl-gsl/doc In directory common-lisp.net:/tmp/cvs-serv30800 Modified Files: math.tex Log Message: Use \mathalt macro for equations. Date: Mon Apr 4 02:52:04 2005 Author: edenny Index: cl-gsl/doc/math.tex diff -u cl-gsl/doc/math.tex:1.2 cl-gsl/doc/math.tex:1.3 --- cl-gsl/doc/math.tex:1.2 Sun Mar 27 05:47:52 2005 +++ cl-gsl/doc/math.tex Mon Apr 4 02:52:03 2005 @@ -6,38 +6,39 @@ \begin{description} -\item [\const{+e+}] The base of exponentials, \(e\) +\item [\const{+e+}] The base of exponentials, \mathalt{$e$} -\item [\const{+log2e+}] The base-2 logarithm of e, \(\log_2(e)\) +\item [\const{+log2e+}] The base-2 logarithm of e, \mathalt{$\log_2(e)$} -\item [\const{+log10e+}] The base-10 logarithm of e, \(\log_{10}(e)\) +\item [\const{+log10e+}] The base-10 logarithm of e, \mathalt{$\log_{10}(e)$} -\item [\const{+sqrt2+}] The square root of two, \(\sqrt 2\) +\item [\const{+sqrt2+}] The square root of two, \mathalt{$\sqrt 2$} -\item [\const{+sqrt1/2+}] The square root of one-half, \(\sqrt{1/2}\) +\item [\const{+sqrt1/2+}] The square root of one-half,\mathalt{$\sqrt{1/2}$} -\item [\const{+sqrt3+}] The square root of three, \(\sqrt 3\) +\item [\const{+sqrt3+}] The square root of three, \mathalt{$\sqrt 3$} -\item [\const{+pi+}] The constant pi, \(\pi\) +\item [\const{+pi+}] The constant pi, \mathalt{$\pi$} -\item [\const{+pi/2+}] Pi divided by two, \(\pi/2\) +\item [\const{+pi/2+}] Pi divided by two, \mathalt{$\pi/2$} -\item [\const{+pi/4+}] Pi divided by four, \(\pi/4\) +\item [\const{+pi/4+}] Pi divided by four, \mathalt{$\pi/4$} -\item [\const{+sqrtpi+}] The square root of pi, \(\sqrt\pi\) +\item [\const{+sqrtpi+}] The square root of pi, \mathalt{$\sqrt\pi$} -\item [\const{+2/sqrtpi+}] Two divided by the square root of pi, \(2/\sqrt\pi\) +\item [\const{+2/sqrtpi+}] Two divided by the square root of pi, +\mathalt{$2/\sqrt\pi$} -\item [\const{+1/pi+}] The reciprocal of pi, \(1/\pi\) +\item [\const{+1/pi+}] The reciprocal of pi, \mathalt{$1/\pi$} -\item [\const{+2/pi+}] Twice the reciprocal of pi, \(2/\pi\) +\item [\const{+2/pi+}] Twice the reciprocal of pi, \mathalt{$2/\pi$} -\item [\const{+ln10+}] The natural logarithm of ten, \(\ln(10)\) +\item [\const{+ln10+}] The natural logarithm of ten, \mathalt{$\ln(10)$} -\item [\const{+ln2+}] The natural logarithm of two, \(\ln(2)\) +\item [\const{+ln2+}] The natural logarithm of two, \mathalt{$\ln(2)$} -\item [\const{+lnpi+}] The natural logarithm of pi, \(\ln(\pi)\) +\item [\const{+lnpi+}] The natural logarithm of pi, \mathalt{$\ln(\pi)$} -\item [\const{+euler+}] Euler's constant, \(\gamma\) +\item [\const{+euler+}] Euler's constant, \mathalt{$\gamma$} \end{description}