Hello, I've just had my first exposure to cl-irc. I was using cl-irc 0.7
and I had a really weird error from time to time while the bot was idle
or processing some request [weird-error.txt] and [weird-error2.txt].
After unsuccessfully trying to determine the cause of the error, I
decided to update cl-irc but an (asdf-install:install 'cl-irc) failed:
It fails to compile protocol.lisp
Seems that the latest flexi-stream package does not have
Anyway, using an older flexi-streams package seemed to solve the problem
for the time being.
However, there are some things I would like to point out. Please correct
me if I'm mistaken.
1. When using IRC:TRAILING-ARGUMENT a warning pops up saying it's
deprecated... but... which one should I use instead? I don't see any
comment in the source code suggesting another one, examples all use
IRC:TRAILING-ARGUMENT and ever cl-irc's source uses it, so what am I
supposed to do?
2. When connecting to freenode, it _always_ errors due to an unknown
response from nickserv upon identify [id-error.txt]
3. There's no documentation at all.
4. Examples outdated(?) (all of them use deprecated functions)
5. AFAIK no contact information but this email address (one would
expect some kind of irc contact/support for an irc library project)
6. For some reason, when I redefine a hook, cl-irc behaves like if it
cached the previous function, so I'm forced to take the all hooks away,
re-add them and START-BACKGROUND-MESSAGE-HANDLER (which sometimes
triggered the first error I mentioned (and it's also marked as
deprecated, again, no suggestion of what kind of replacement should I
use)). Of course this hassle can be partially avoided defining a
function that does the dirty job but this is not what I would call a
straightforward "on the fly change of functionality".