Since no commit mails are sent when I commit to the cl-irc repository, I
send this mail.
I just committed my MODE tracking work. Before committing, I set the
'pre_mode_tracking' tag. Afterwards the 'mode_tracking' one. That way, all
work can be easily reverted. After a while both takes can be removed.
Thanks in advance for any comments+review.
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In the TODO file, there's an item which says (right beneath 'Add DCC'): I'd
like usocket first.
What's usocket and has any work been done in that direction?
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Well, it seems like I got unsubscribed somewhere in the last 6 months....
I'm back again.
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AKTION "Kein Einrichtungspreis" nutzen:
Thanks for the patch. Since it's submission, I moved :rpl_bounce from 5 to
10 because that's where it should be. Also, I introduced :rpl_isupport at 5.
I've committed the rest of your patch a few moments ago.
In reply to:
Hello list
cl-irc is missing some server replies from IRCd 2.11
Check this patch:
--- variable.lisp.orig 2005-01-22 13:06:38.000000000 +0200
+++ variable.lisp 2005-01-22 13:23:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@
(3 :rpl_created)
(4 :rpl_myinfo)
(5 :rpl_bounce)
+ (10 :rpl_bounce) ; From ircd 2.11 source
+ (15 :rpl_map) ; From ircd 2.11 source
+ (17 :rpl_mapend) ; From ircd 2.11 source
+ (18 :rpl_mapstart) ; From ircd 2.11 source
+ (20 :rpl_hello) ; From ircd 2.11 source
+ (42 :rpl_yourid) ; From ircd 2.11 source
+ (43 :rpl_savenick) ; From ircd 2.11 source
(200 :rpl_tracelink)
(201 :rpl_traceconnecting)
(202 :rpl_tracehandshake)
Ossi Herrala, OH8HUB
PGP: 0x78CD0337 / D343 F9C4 C739 DFFF F619 6170 8D28 8189 78CD 0337
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I am using lisppaste on my work's private IRC servers, and it works
great. However, after a while, I see a ping timeout. I ornamented
the ping-message-hook as follows, and set irc::*debug-p*:
* (setf irc::*debug-p* t)
* (defmethod irc::default-hook ((irc::message irc::irc-ping-message))
(format t "Got PING message.~%")
(irc::pong (irc::connection irc::message)
(irc::trailing-argument irc::message)))
On the next PING message, I saw:
is an instance of class #<STANDARD-CLASS CL-IRC:IRC-PING-MESSAGE>.
The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
RECEIVED-TIME 3311096689
NILGot PING message.
UNHANDLED-EVENT:3311096689: PING: "riker.yyz.COMPANY.COM"
So then I ornamented irc::pong:
* (defmethod irc::pong ((connection irc::connection)
(server string) &optional (server2 ""))
(format *debug-stream* "Sending PONG: ~A"
(describe server))
(irc::send-irc-message connection :pong nil server server2))
The next ping I saw:
is an instance of class #<STANDARD-CLASS CL-IRC:IRC-PING-MESSAGE>.
The following slots have :INSTANCE allocation:
RECEIVED-TIME 3311097683
NILGot PING message.
"riker.yyz.COMPANY.COM" is a vector with 26 elements.
Its element type is specialized to CHARACTER.
Sending PONG: NILUNHANDLED-EVENT:3311097683: PING: "riker.yyz.COMPANY.COM"
I changed my company's name, because I'm not sure how they feel about
Lisp in the workplace. ;)
Not knowing the code, it's difficult for me to debug this much
further. It appears that everything is working correctly, but the IRC
server kicks the bot off the channel after a few minutes.
Any advice you have on starting to debug this problem would be greatly
Eric Moncrieff eric(a)
"The totalitarian message is being transmitted while you're zoned out
in front of the television watching the feelies, high on soma -- which
is some combination of Prozac and Budweiser." --John Perry Barlow
I have 2 things I want to ask you about the 'invalidate-me' condition:
- Did you consider closing the stream which has to be invalidated next to
invalidating the handle? That way callers will know the input-reading
subsystem gave up on that stream.
- The invalidate-me condition can leak from the package, because in any of
the cases not addressed by #+(and sbcl (not sb-thread)) the condition will
not be cought within the package. Yet the symbol has not been exported. Did
you plan to keep the condition within the package?
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For my application I wanted to track user modes (mostly the operator mode
actually). So I decided to jump into the different modes in different
networks. It turned out to be a challenge :-)
So I decided to implement (for now) only the modes in the RFC since those
seem to be common for all networks. The framework should be really easy to
expand later on. This is what I did:
Both channels and users have a 'modes' slot which is of type plist (because
they are typically small lists).
Channel modes can have zero or one argument. Some modes messages set one
value, others add to a list of values. The channel key being in the first
category, ban lists in the second. This means there are 3 different mode
types with 2 major categories:
* modes which are either on or off
* modes with a value, which are divided into two groups too:
- modes with exactly one value
- modes with a list of values
In order to know how to process the MODE arguments, a structure is required
which holds the mode message description. I chose an assoc list for that.
In order to hide the differences between the networks (using different
characters for different modes), I introduced a 'character -> keyword'
mapping. Applications can use the keywords instead of the mode characters in
order to become network independent. The library will have to select the
right mapping upon connection to the server (or pick the default and only
support the RFC).
The code is adapted to:
* A new 'default-hook' with an irc-mode-message argument is implemented to
handle (known) mode changes.
* The names-reply is adapted to pick out nicks with the @-sign to be added
to the channels op-list.
* The quit- and part-message hooks are updated to update any modes on the
user and channels he parted.
* The library user and channel management routines updated to update modes
according to the action required.
Anybody interested in seeing a patch?
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Hi all,
I don't think my commit came through with a commit message, but the code
Brian checked in to detect stream failure did not work on my (non-threaded)
SBCL 0.8.12 and .13. What I saw was endless looping and the code I had to
detect connection-loss was not working anymore. I fixed that and I removed
the server-socket field from the connection class again. I still believe
that a slot which is only used on one platform (and only in a special case
at that: SBCL + non-threading) should not be part of any classes public
Hope you don't mind me doing so. I saw that I'll also have to remove the
'socket' slot from the dcc-connection class. I will do that later.
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