; compiling file "/home/tc-rucho/.sbcl/site/cl-irc-0.8.0/protocol.lisp" (written 06 JAN 2007 10:31:05 AM): ; compiling (IN-PACKAGE :IRC) ; compiling (DEFINE-CONDITION NO-SUCH-REPLY ...) ; compiling (DEFCLASS IRC-MODE ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC SET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC UNSET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC RESET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC HAS-VALUE-P ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD RESET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFCLASS BOOLEAN-VALUE-MODE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD SET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD UNSET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD HAS-VALUE-P ...) ; compiling (DEFCLASS SINGLE-VALUE-MODE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD SET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD UNSET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD HAS-VALUE-P ...) ; compiling (DEFCLASS LIST-VALUE-MODE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD SET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD UNSET-MODE-VALUE ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD HAS-VALUE-P ...) ; compiling (DEFCLASS CONNECTION ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD PRINT-OBJECT ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC ADD-DEFAULT-HOOKS ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC CLIENT-RAW-LOG ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC CONNECTEDP ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC READ-MESSAGE ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC READ-IRC-MESSAGE ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC SEND-IRC-MESSAGE ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC GET-HOOKS ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC ADD-HOOK ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC REMOVE-HOOK ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC REMOVE-HOOKS ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC REMOVE-ALL-HOOKS ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC CASE-MAP-NAME ...) ; compiling (DEFGENERIC RE-APPLY-CASE-MAPPING ...) ; compiling (DEFUN MAKE-CONNECTION ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD ADD-DEFAULT-HOOKS ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD CLIENT-RAW-LOG ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD CONNECTEDP ...) ; compiling (DEFMETHOD READ-MESSAGE ...) ; compiling (DEFVAR *PROCESS-COUNT* ...) ; compiling (DEFUN START-PROCESS ...) ; compiling (DEFUN START-BACKGROUND-MESSAGE-HANDLER ...) ; compiling (DEFUN STOP-BACKGROUND-MESSAGE-HANDLER ...) ; compiling (DEFUN READ-MESSAGE-LOOP ...); compilation aborted because of fatal error: ; READ failure in COMPILE-FILE: ; SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-PACKAGE-ERROR at 12359 (line 349, column 56) on #: ; Symbol "FLEXI-STREAM-ENCODING-ERROR" not found in the FLEXI-STREAMS package. ; compilation aborted after 0:00:00 WARNING: COMPILE-FILE warned while performing # on #. debugger invoked on a ASDF:COMPILE-FAILED in thread #: erred while invoking # on # Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL. restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name): 0: [TRY-RECOMPILING] Try recompiling protocol 1: [RETRY ] Retry performing # on #. 2: [ACCEPT ] Continue, treating # on # as having been successful. 3: [ABORT ] Exit debugger, returning to top level. ((SB-PCL::FAST-METHOD ASDF:PERFORM (ASDF:COMPILE-OP ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE)) # # # #) 0]