On Mar 20, 2005, at 3:57 PM, Erik Huelsmann wrote:
The currently available release is quite old now, so I'm wondering if it isn't time to do a new release. The mode tracking code is too new, although it has been running on my system for a while, so I thought to use the pre_mode_tracking tag to generate a 0.7 release.
This brings me to several questions:
- What's the numbering scheme?
- Is 0.10 deemed acceptable? Or is 0.9 considered to be last before
- Do the version numbers mean anything wrt guaranteed APIs? (like,
for example, in the APR project; see http://apr.apache.org/versioning.html)
- What requirements are there for a 1.0 release?
Thanks for your reactions!
I think 0.10 would be quite acceptable. So far there have been no promises of guaranteed APIs; I don't think that it'd be fair to guarantee such a thing without any documentation!
As far as a 1.0 release: mode tracking is a very good thing. I'd like to also have some kind of last-seen or last-spoke tracking, and documentation. Needless to say I've no time to work on any of this myself :-)
Last-spoke tracking can easily be added with the mode-support I recently added.
Last-seen is more cumbersome, since it requires a (theoretically unbounded) list of nicks having been in a channel: depending on what you want to remember for each nick, that can become quite some data. Currently 'user' objects disappear when the user quits or leaves the last channel, limiting the list of users-in-memory to all active users...
As far as documentation is concerned: I'm quite busy too, but I'll see what I can do.