5 Jun
5 Jun
9:42 p.m.
On 6/5/11 Jun 5 -2:47 PM, Nicolas Martyanoff wrote:
(json:encode-json-to-string '((:a . ((:b . ((:c . 42)))))))
On Allegro, this encounters no error. Clozure CL likewise. It certainly does explode in an exciting way on SBCL, and in a way that seems to bork SLIME (SBCL 1.0.47, SLIME who-knows-what from cvs). The following is enough to cause SBCL to choke: (json:encode-json-to-string '(:c . 42)) and somehow this seems to be invoked by the above, although (json:encode-json-to-string '((:c . 42))) makes cl-json happy. This really looks like an SBCL internal hiccup; may I suggest submitting the bug report also to sbcl-devel? best, r