15 Apr
15 Apr
4:55 p.m.
On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 1:53 PM, Henrik Hjelte <henrik@evahjelte.com> wrote:
One thing you might want to know before upgrading, when comparing the performance testcases the new version seems a bit slower on my sbcl (see below).
To be sure, that's 200% deceleration, and it stays that way if the COUNT in the test is increased 10, 100, etc. times. “A bit” seems like an understatement here. I'm afraid that's the price we pay for dynamic customization, as most of the accrued run time is used up (prima facie) by the handler invocation machinery—which is there for every little char! Methinks there is an evident way to optimize this, and I'm going to try it out (tomorrow if I have time). ̈́ - B. Sm.