On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 11:04 PM, Leslie P. Polzer <sky@viridian-project.de> wrote:
There was some talk on this list [1, 2] about altogether removing the dependency on Parenscript. (Indeed, SYMBOL-TO-JS[-STRING] is the only feature that CL-JSON makes recourse to.) I'm in the middle of preparing a set of patches which do that, among other (more substantial) things. But anyway, many thanks for pointing out the change.
From what I gather here this will take you at least a few days.
Can you apply my fix? This problem prevents clbuild users from running Weblocks.
I have now removed the dependency of parenscript, so it should work. I copied some code from an old branch of parenscript, it does not seem to be very optimized so even better code from Boris is welcome. By the way Boris, I get three errors when I run the tests of the style: SB-MOP:CLASS-SLOTS called on #<STANDARD-CLASS GOO>, which is not yet finalized. Maybe you can take a look at this, then I guess it should be time for a new release soon... Thanks, Henrik