On 6 Dec 2008, at 13:16, Leslie P. Polzer wrote:
SYMBOL-TO-JS has been renamed to SYMBOL-TO-JS-STRING (patch attached).
Also, the current cl-json web page leads users to the obsolete darcs repo of Parenscript. Guys have switched to git.
There was some talk on this list [1, 2] about altogether removing the dependency on Parenscript. (Indeed, SYMBOL-TO-JS[-STRING] is the only feature that CL-JSON makes recourse to.) I'm in the middle of preparing a set of patches which do that, among other (more substantial) things. But anyway, many thanks for pointing out the change. Sincerely, - B. Sm. [1] http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/cl-json-devel/2008-August/ 000168.html [2] http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/cl-json-devel/2008-August/ 000172.html